Monday, March 3, 2008

TripleDES Algorithm

As i thought that my final year project are finished...not just yet as my triple DES algorithm are not running in the .jar file. After running it with command prompt i discovered some errors...damn!!!..

Triple DES used 112 bit or 168 bit key. That was the problem as the password which will be the based for the key, must be entered must be at least 24 characters. Who would do that, only super duper genius would like to put such a long password.

Now i must search a way that i can increase the bit into 112 or 168.


  1. how about you automatically append extra string to the password that users entered.

    if user only enter 6 characters, the program will automatically add extra 18 characters to the password...,

    eg. user enter qwerty, the program will add 123456789012345678 to the password and become qwerty123456789012345678...,

    it's more easier than needs to crack your head to think for the solution...,

  2. i already thought about that solution but that is my last choice if i didn't manage to find some "thing" that can increase my password length.
    i think i heard some process which can increase or decrease string length.hope i find it soon..
    anyway,thanks for the help dude=)

  3. xc355,

    i have found the solution as my lecturer giving a lecture on MD5 and SHA.yeehaa!!!..

  4. glad to hear that...,
