Monday, July 28, 2008

Organs Timing - Part 1

Time: Early morning 3-5 AM

Organs: Lungs

Remark: Good to wake up at this hour. The ozone content in the atmosphere will be more at this time which will give new lease of energy if we practice breathing exercise or mediation. People who have asthma cannot sleep this time & will suffer breathlessness.

Time: Morning 5-7 AM

Organs: Large Intestine

Remark: People who wake up at this time will not have constipation problem. If bowel's movement, taking a bath in cold water is finished during this time, then he will not have any nervous debility.


Time: Morning 7-9 AM

Organs: Stomach

Remark: Breakfast should be completed this time

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Remove shortcut Arrow on Windows

Is the shortcut arrow in Windows XP is bothering you?!..Well, i got some thing that i could share with you all.

First go to Start -> Run -> type regedit -> search for hkey_classes_root

After this you will find a file name Inkfile, then click the file and delete it. If you hesitate, please backup you registry first okay.hehe..


Then find PIPfile and delete the file again just like you did in the previous step.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 is no more

Hello...Its really sad after finding out that the author, haney decided that to quit blogging after something unpredictable came out from nowhere.

This post is to pay tribute for the blog so that it can rest in peace. The site contains info that sometimes seems to be things that we miss look in our life. Really a nice person to be honest.  Maybe she got her own reason and thats the best for her life, feeling and also responsibility.

Sometimes we got stuck between responsibilities and things that we like. It really tough making choices between those two. Sacrifice we need in this things.

Nothing much to write but..Hope to see you again soon in the blogging arena.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How to sharpen mind’s memory - PART 2

Step 7:
Limited or eliminate the use of caffeine, alcohol and
nicotine. These products act as stimulants and
constrict blood vessels, which then interfere with
proper oxygenation of the body, especially the brain.
When the blood vessels of the brain are constricted,
it can diminish memory abilities.

Step 8:
Nourish the brain with new knowledge. Reading books,
magazine articles and viewing educational programs
will feed the brain a source of knowledge and keep it
learning. It is like giving the brain periodic
tune-ups just like you would a car.

Step 9:
Improve memory through visualization. Use images and
pictures to help you remember and recall things. This
image association will help your brain keep
information in order and the images can help cue up

Step 10:
Use repetitious memorization techniques. This is an
effective teaching tool for young children, and yet is
equally effective at any age. By repetitiously
repeating something you need to remember, it will help
imprint it to your memory and will be readily
available for recall.

Step 11:
Make up a song or rhyme in order to remember
information. Sometimes information that is put to
music or a catchy rhyme is information that is easily
cued when it is time to recall the memory.

Step 12:
Keep a journal. Not only is writing in a journal a
therapeutic way to release and work through stress, it
is also a good way to keep our memories in order.
Sometimes, we just cannot remember everything, but
keeping a detailed account of our daily lives can give
us something to refer to in order to recall what needs
to be remembered.

Step 13:
Learn to be a good listener. When a person is an
attentive listener, they tend to have better recall
memory of what they have heard.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Naruto 407 Manga

The cover is Shiho.

The encrypted message part

Naruto notices the character "ta" on the toad's back. Everyone had mistaken it for "9."*

(*note: because they're similar...kinda ???).

At that point, Shikamaru suggests they look among Jiraiya's novels for one which begins with "ta", when the window opens and Kakashi says "probably this one."

Shikamaru: Icha-icha tactics..."ta"!

Shiho: Alright, then, would you mind turning to page 31?

Kakashi asks what they're going to do, and Shiho tells him to read the contents. Kakashi hesitates because the passage is kinky, but he starts reading anyway when Naruto presses him to do so.

The message is "There *is* no real one."

Shikamaru anounces he's going to Tsunade.

Shiho:"Can I come too?"

Shikamaru: Thanks.

At which point Shiho smiles.

Scene changes to Pain, Konan and Madara.

Pain is told by Madara that Konoha's made him their target, but Konan replies "Pain is invincible...the Kyuubi is as good as ours."

Madara: I've made Sasuke go after the eight-tails.

Konan: Is he up to it?

Madara: I guarantee he is.

Madara vanishes.

Pain stands up.

"Konan, start preparations immediately."

From the back comes a "konan*" with black sticks protruding from her head, as well as other characters.**

*more like, a female looking character, going by the pictures.

**the other Pains, going from the picture.

"We head for Konoha."