Saturday, January 5, 2008

Advertlets Problem

I just checking my blog which have advertlets ads in it. As the page was loading, it forward to a unknown site...i thought that someone was messing around with my blog. Then i check it again and again and finally i found out the the advertlets owner forget or something-like that to renew their domain..just as simple as that..i remove all advertlets ads and the problem was solved.


Does Advertlets owner drink and surf?...huhu..


  1. yah...that's y i remove advertlets totally.

  2. I've pulled three blogs from blogroll because their sites were doing that and I thought my browser had been hijacked by spyware. There's more to it than just not renewing a domain name though. If the domain was just gone, the advertlets script would just stop working. Whoever took over the domain has purposely redirected the script to hijack sites.

  3. Advertlets have a great money making online and for sure the income from that program are huge.But Unfortunately unable to renew the domain.So sad! :)
