Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to sharpen mind's memory - PART 1

step 1:
Adequately rest your body and mind. We live in a fast
paced non-stop society, and are often prone to overly
tasking our lives. This can place unnecessary stress
on our brain and influence our memory negatively. So,
rest and allow your body and mind to rejuvenate.

Step 2:
Eat a healthy and nourishing diet. Yes, there is some
truths to the term “brain foods,” and incorporating
health eating can compliment your mind’s ability to
retain knowledge and recall knowledge.

Step 3:
Get enough exercise. A body that is physically fit is
less likely to feel sluggish and lethargic. Plus,
exercising helps the quality of circulation in the
body and brings a good flow of oxygen to the organs of
the body, including the brain. Having a brain that is
well nourished with oxygen can help you think with
clarity. Yoga and Pilates are good exercise methods
because they incorporate a mind and body balance along
with proper breathing techniques.


Step 4:
Take a moment to do a little reality orientation every
. When you wake up, recall the day, the date
and any important information (appointments,
birthdays, anniversaries and so on).

Step 5:
Keep lists. It is definitely okay to have to refer to
a list in order to keep your daily life organized, and
it helps to remove clutter from your memory so you do
not overload your mind.

Step 6:
Include meditation into your daily routine. This is an
excellent way to allow your body a momentary session
of relaxation and this can help your mind release the
daily stresses that may be weighing heavily upon the
mind. Stress can really interfere with the memory.

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